Golden Trout

Jeanne Yardley$ 75

Golden Trout

Stoneware clay, underglaze, glaze, electric fired5.5" x 15 "x 1"
Part of an ongoing series portraying the shape and colour of various species of fish as realistically as possible. Hand-built wallhanging featuring vivid colouring from underglazes and clear shiny glaze over all. This piece was formed from slabs of clay and textured to reflect the fins and scales. Hangs securely from a clay flap on the back.
Delivery Options:
Free delivery available in K-W/Cambridge/Brantford area, in addition to Stoney/Clear Lake.
Contact the artist for shipping rates to other destinations.
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Juniper Island Art Festival is NOT responsible for shipping or coordinating returns of purchased art; those responsibilities rest with the selling artist. Upon the purchase of an artwork, JIAF will put the purchaser and artist (seller) in contact with each other to coordinate shipment, delivery or curb-side pick-up; any costs associated with shipment and delivery shall be negotiated between the artist (seller) and purchaser.